National Conference on “Emerging Trends in Global Economy and Its Sustainability”, 25th October 2019
The conference was inaugurated by Dr. Hala Naik, Director, Academics; Dr. K.Dharani Devi, organising Secretary and Head of the Department, MBA Program; Prof. Pandurangappa, Chief Program Coordinator, DBIMSCA; Dr. Puttamaraiah K.P, NAAC Coordinator, DBIMSCA; Dr. Velumurugan. P.S, Dean, School of Commerce and Business Management, Central University, Tamilnadu and Dr. Prasanth Kumar Panda, Head, Department of Economics, Central University, Tamilnadu were Chief Guests for the inaugural session.
The inauguration was soon followed by the key note address of Dr. Velumurugan P.S, Dean School of Commerce and Business Management, Central University, Tamilnadu and Dr. Prasanth Kumar Panda, Head, Department of Economics, Central university, Tamilnadu . Then the technical sessions were chaired by Dr. Tamizharasi D MBA, PhD Dean Research, RNSIT College; Dr. K.Dharani Devi, HOD, MBA Program started and 42 papers were presented during the session respectively.
The participants gave their feedback on the conference praised the institution for hosting conference in such an impeccable manner and said that they were overwhelmed by the hospitality offered by the organisers.